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Church of England

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Established church in England and Wales.

Basic data

Instance of: Ecclesiastical area
Wikidata ID: Q82708
Vision of Britain ID:
earliest known date:  Needs source
latest known date:  Needs source
Copyright acknowledgements:

Parent organizations

Dates in italic are earliest or latest known dates. Non-italic dates are definite start or end dates.

Parent: Relationship: Earliest: Latest: Source:
This organization has not been linked to any parent organizations.


Canterbury province, Church of EnglandEcclesiastical
York province, Church of EnglandEcclesiastical


No linked personnel found.

Query for sources

Ecton - Liber Valorum (2nd edition, 1723)John Ecton, Liber Valorum & Decimarum being an Account of Such Ecclesiastical Benefices in England and Wales as now Stand Charged with, or lately were Discharged from the Payment of First-Fruits and Tenths (2nd edition, London, 1723).